Objects in Capture



Avolites Visualiser

Welcome to the Avolites Visualiser Discussion Forum. Moderator: Moderators. 317 topics. Page 1 of 7.

Setting up the Rig

Open the Capture Visualiser Settings window by double pressing Open/View, then select Visualiser Settings from the window select buttons.

Capture Visualiser

The Capture visualiser is integrated into the console. This can provide a realistic simulation of your lighting which is really useful for pre-programming.

Capture Visualiser Introduction

The Capture visualiser engine is integrated into the Titan consoles. This can provide a realistic simulation of your lighting which is really ...

Avolites > Software > Latest Version

Visualiser v7.40, 9.0 MB, Visualiser Manual.pdf Manual. Titan Hot Links. Arena · Tiger Touch II · Titan Net Processor · Power Cube · Remote App. Products.

Capture 2022

Create professional 2D & 3D plots; 4 levels of licence to suit any budget; Electronic download key, no physical product; Console Link to Titan Range + in ...

Avolites titan capture visualiser

Visualizing stage lighting, our vision before we go to the actual event or concert venue is needed. And that makes our programming easier.

Internal Visualizer

The internal capture visualiser with titan is great for checking programming or working away from the console ... Avolites Titan | Starting Out ...

